Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lindsay Makes Leggings, YSL Rolls in his Grave

Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay... girl, you crazy!  We forgave your numerous trips to rehab, your undies amnesia, even your Mom's ridiculous reality show. We'll even look past your faux bi-curious-ness, that's your prerogative.  But when you start trying to make us look bad, well then you've gone to far.  That's the only way I can explain Lindsay Lohan's new line of leggings, she wants us to start dressing badly so that she'll look better in comparison.  Similar to that mean friend in high school that told you "a perm would amaaazing on you", Lohan has put her name on a line of leggings surely meant to sabotage your style.  My favorite is the fingerless glove-knee sock hybrid (available for $42), because nothing says style quite like half a leg full of leopard print.  Not to be out done are the leggings with built in knee pads, being sold somewhere for $132, I guess.  Perhaps, LiLo needs extra padding for her knee area for all the time she spends *insert dirty joke here*.  But I think most of us were doing just fine without them.  Help me prevent tween-age girls everywhere from  being a walking fashion disaster, send this post to friends and family and show them that you care about what they wear.  Because that's what real friends do!


LRB said...

I think after rehab you're supposed to knit, not make stupid leggings. What's next for L? Re-inventing the scarf?

Anonymous said...

I read that this line is called 6126-- for Marilyn Monroe's birthday. How she has anything to do with Mick Jagger's leftover wardrobe is uncertain...

However! the kneepad style is called "Mr. President" which is the only link I can make between any of the styles and Monroe.

The Beene said...

I can't wait to scoop me up a pair of those leopard half sock almost legging thingys!!!